Welcome to Modern Tech,

Modern Tech Nursing Review was founded in 1999. Modern Tech review centers offers RN and RPN registration examination study and review aids, including review books, assessment tests, In addition to authoring the National Nursing Review products, Modern Tech review designed and conducted RN and RPN review courses throughout CANADA operating from regeonal centers.


Registered Nurse (RN) Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) 
To work as a Registered Nurse (RN) in Ontario today, you must obtain a nursing degree from an accredited university. Modern Tech prepares non-registered internationally educated nurse graduates who are either.......
Registered Practical Nurses (RPN) are independent practitioners who have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and judgment to provide care to clients with stable or predictable outcomes. ...........
The application process, from entrance requirements and admissions.
Career Guidance Notice Board
Our Career guidance program help prepare for interviews and to find jobs . 
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